Bowles & Wyer

5 questions with…

Written by Maxine Bloomer

Each month we’ll feature a 5 question interview with one of our contracts and construction team. This month we’ve got our Managing Director, Dan Riddleston, in the hotseat…


1. What’s the best part of your job?
The people I work with; staff, designers, clients and suppliers, all come together to make wonderful gardens.

2. What’s your favourite landscape?
Where I was brought up, ‘Constable Country’, the countryside of the painter John Constable – the Dedham Vale on the Suffolk / Essex border.

3. What are you working on now? 
Working on keeping staff safe during this crisis. There are a few large schemes that we are bidding for at the moment, so this is keeping me occupied.

4. What has been your most memorable project?
That would be the show garden for Chelsea 2017, designed by Darren Hawkes, sponsored by Linklaters for the charity Maggie’s.

5. What has been your most challenging project?
Again a Chelsea garden, this time for Tom Hoblyn in 2012 with an impossible amount of water features and stone to be installed to millimetre accuracy, all within 17 days. We did win people’s choice for it.

April 17, 2020