Bowles & Wyer

5 questions with…

Written by Maxine Bloomer

Here we’ll feature a 5 question interview with one of our team – whether it’s one of our internal designers or trusted external contractors. This month we’ve got one of our Assistant Landscape Designers, James Christopher Smith, in the hotseat…


1. Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere really – from Pinterest, to other landscapes, to what I see on the Gram!


2. What’s your favourite landscape?
That’s like asking what my favourite brand or film is! I have many from outside the box like the Welsh mountains or new gardens like the High Line. Although most people would say the High Line…


3. What are you working on now?
Many, many things from creating completion drawings for a large garden in Surrey, to putting together a detailed design for another project, and creating concept renders for a city garden in London.


4. What’s the best part of your job?
Simply the people. Working with the most talented people I have ever worked with.


5. Why do you work at Bowles & Wyer?
Being given the opportunity to work for one of the best companies in the industry and with the best designers was an offer difficult to turn down!

September 7, 2020